Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why I created a blog?

You are probably wondering who is this person and why should I waste my time reading her blog. This is such a good question. I am not an expert on any topic. So, I don't think that I have something important to teach. I am not particularly talented. So, I am not trying to impress anyone with my abilities. I am not here to save the world or to change it in any way. I am just a person who has a lot of thoughts on a lot of random topics and so I decided to create a blog, whether anyone ever reads it or not. And if you are here, then unfortunately you are being subjected to the craziness that is me. So, here it is...

I love Futurama!
I see that so many people have blogs now of days on any number of topics and I thought to myself, well I am a person, I can type, I have access to a computer and a pretty good internet why not. I have never done this before. I don't even read blogs which makes it extremely ironic that I would create one but I guess I should start with a little about myself. I am 30 years old. I actually just turned 30 a few weeks ago and although the world didn't come to an end, it was truly one of the most traumatic events of my life (more on this later). I am female, if you didn't know this already. I live in New Jersey and I work in New York City (woohoo!). I am engaged. I live with my fiance and my psychopath dog. So, see all of these things are great material for a blog. Oh yeah, I am also an attorney but trust me, you really do not want to hear anything about that. After describing all of this to you, I actually feel pretty confident that I have enough material to sustain a blog (I never said it would be interesting) and who knows, I might be someone important one day and then you will regret not hanging on my every word because every day I try to do a little better (see how I worked the title of the blog into this cool). Anyway, I am new at this and I don't want to sprain anything so, I am going to ease into this and end this initial post right here after this period.

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