Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pinterest Obsession

If you are not familiar with Pinterest, then this post will not make any sense to you. You will probably think that being addicted to Pinterest is silly and you will never understand how one could spend hours, days, weeks looking at pins and pinning items to Pinterest. I used to be like you. I never was one to get all caught up in following people on social media but Pinterest...oh, Pinterest is different. You first have to find your Pinspiration. It is that topic, any topic, that you have interest in and you wouldn't mind having a board with a few articles, pictures, quotes, recipes or something to look at later. This could be virtually any topic from places you would like to visit, food that you want to try, clothes that you love, decorating ideas, baby stuff, sports, absolutely anything. The only real limit to Pinterest is your lack of Pinmagination (Ok, this one was a little forced but you get where I am going with this).

Looking back, it is hard to believe that just a few short months ago, I was a Pinterest virgin. Now, I cannot imagine my life without Pinterest and like they say, you never forget your first time. I found my Pinspiration about 10 months ago when I was interviewing wedding planners. Because my job has extremely unpredictable hours and I was planning a destination wedding, I knew that I was going to need a planner to do most of the legwork. It was during one of these interviews, when a planner asked me if I was on Pinterest. I scoffed and said "no, that is not really my thing". She explained that Pinterest has become a great tool for wedding planning. So, I decided to check it out. That was the moment right there. That is when everything changed and I became Pinsessed (no, still not working for ya? It actually sounds a little naughty). I started my first inspiration board called "all things wedding" and a few days later I started my second inspiration board called "my ethereal wedding in the clouds" (I know it is a long title). Now I have 13 inspiration boards and no, they are not all about weddings (only 3 of them are). I have boards on everything from food, travel, fashion, fitness, animals that I think are cute and even a miscellaneous board. I swear that there have been more than a few days when I spent the whole day...probably a good 8 hours or so just pinning. I even have the app on my iPhone so I really never have to stop pinning. You know, now that I am actually typing this all out, it sounds a little pathetic...just kidding!

My point is just that Pinterest is one of the greatest inventions of all time and I don't think that it gets enough credit. I have gotten so many ideas, so much motivation for working out and even travel ideas for my honeymoon from Pinterest. It opens you up to an entire world, where you can swap ideas with people that you do not know, may not even want to know and never have to see or speak to. It's Pintastic (see, they are getting better)! So, if this hasn't inspired you to join Pinterest, nothing will and yeah, I realize that this post sounds like I may need to seek professional help but don't worry, I promise to look for some type of 12 step program. I guess this would make me Pinsane (ha! I did it again). Anyway, if you happen to be a member, look me up, follow me or don't.  No pressure (I only have like 3 followers and I have no idea who these people are). I look forward to possibly running across your Pinomenal board (hehe!). Until my next post, happy pinning!

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